Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nasty comments

I was reading some blogs last night and noticed that when anyone posts in support of McCain there are several nasty posts almost immediately from Obama supporters. Of course there will be answers from McCain supporters but the really nasty ones I saw were mostly from the Obama supporters. My question here is why be so nasty? People disagree! It gives the impression to me that they don't want anyone else to have a voice and the intention is to try and bully people into not expressing their opinion.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The stock market went up today and I heard McCain is gaining. I thought it was interesting. Like I said before Obama speaks well but he never says anything other than to repeat his catch phrases.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Pretty good

I was watching Obama speak in Ohio today. He says nothing better than any political candidate I've ever seen. I still can't figure out what he is for.
Then I watched McCain. He is not as good a speaker I admit. What he says usually resonates more with my thinking. I especially liked when he talked about Obama, Pelosi and Reid being a "dangerous threesome". I wish I had thought that line up. The other one I liked was when McCain said Obama wanted to be "redistributor in cheif" and he (McCain) wanted to be "commander in cheif"


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Heard today that Joe Biden got asked some tough questions down in FL. I didn't think those questions were any more unfair than many I have heard asked of Palin. The Obama camp said no more interviews for that station. I wish they would let me ask some questions, then again I really wouldn't want the media going after me like they did Joe The Plumber! My questions would probably evict even more vicious attacks I'm afraid.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Stock Market

Am I the only one that notices this? Every time I see the stock market down I also hear Obama is up and when I see the stock market improving, McCain is gaining ground.
I can't say for sure if that has anything to do with it or not but it does seem curious to me.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Media Bias

In case anyone is blind to the media bias in regards to this Presidential campaign. I urge you to do this, watch CNN for a day or so then watch Fox News for the same amount of time. See what your take is on it. I did that and stopped watching CNN for the most part because they only give you one side of the story.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joe The Citizen

Joe the Plumber is actually all of us. I was thinking today about Obama's tax plan and the numbers just don't add up. It sounds to me like its all smoke and mirrors. First he wants to take away the Bush tax cuts (higher taxes), then he wants to put the tax rate that was in effect when Clinton was in office (higher than now). How can he convince so many people that is a tax cut?
Aside from that with a liberal Democratic President, a liberal Congress and Senate who will stop them from spending? That is enough to scare me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I heard on tv today how people at Obama rallies are wearng shirts with Palin's image on them with some very crude statements on them. I'm starting to get a little tired of the double standard I have been seeing. Anyone who says anything about Obama is attacked, called a racist etc. Yet no one makes a big deal out of things that are said about McCain or Palin.
I think it's time people stopped walking on eggshells about the Obama campaign. Right is right and left is wrong period.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Joe Biden remark

I swear, I think Joe Biden was reading my mind. I have been saying those things for 2 years now. If Obama wins we are in a very unsafe position because other countries will question our resolve. I would feel much safer with John McCain in there because he has the background and standing in the world to make those ideas a non issue.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What are they doing to Joe the Plumber

Between Obama, Biden and most of the News Media they are really doing a number on Joe the Plumber. All the man did was ask a question. Since he asked that question he has been attacked from every angle. I believe most of it comes from the left as the image here depicts.



I have been watching the Presidential race and while I never bothered with politics in the past I have definite opinions now.
First: I defended Obama during the primaries and gave him the benefit of the doubt but I can't do that anymore. The more I listen to him the less I trust him. I don't know much about him because he hasn't been around long enough and what does come out causes me to question him.
Bottom line: What they do find out about him is all bad and to this day he has not explained one thing in a way that is understandable. It's all "change", "the last eight years" etc., Not "I will do this with an understandable outline".
