Saturday, February 14, 2009

So called stimulus package

Seems that the people didn't have much say in the so called stimulus package. I only know first hand about my state. I called my Senators and Congressman for my district and the numbers were over 85% against it. I can only assume that was the result in most states.
I'm afraid of what the end result of that bill might be. For that reason I want to encourage everyone to keep after their Representatives, let them know how you want them to vote and hold them accountable. The problem with the Folks in Washington is they seem to lose interest in what the people want once they get elected and the only weapon we have is our vote so I say use it. It will take some time but I realize now that if we don't take a stand and vote for people who will do the will of the people we will keep getting sold down the river. I hope enough people are as tired of politics as usual as I am. We do hold their fate in our hands, it's time the people used it.


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