Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Pledge to be of service to Barack Obama?

Today I was on facebook and found this link Article by Michelle Malkin. I read the article and watched the video and started getting angry. How did we come to this, they don't want our children to say The Pledge of Allegiance (because it has the words "Under God" in it), can't pray in school, yet they promote this kind of garbage? I asked my granddaughter if they had showed that video in her school? She said no so I told her if they do to let me know. I'm not a protester but I will be the one organizing the protest in fromt of the school if they try this.

Monday, May 25, 2009

DHS Watch List

I think I'm going to have a shirt made that says "I'm on the DHS watch list. Are you?" Funny thing is I'm on that list because I believe in Freedom, God, Free Speech and the right to bear arms and I support the military. Those are all things that always made me a good American Citizen up to when Obama got elected.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

God Bless America

A thought came to me last night. Since the United States Constitution says that the individual receives their rights from a Supreme Being. I have a real problem with our Government systematically taking those rights away from us. Now since that same Government didn't have the power to give those rights to us I don't believe they should have the power to take them away from us.
What I have started doing is to ask that Supreme Being (in my case God) to help stop this madness in our Government and help us see what needs to be done. I pray about it and if enough people pray for it I don't think God will abandon us. The thing is that God also gave us Free Will and if we keep quiet and let this happen He may also keep quiet and let it happen.
What I would like to ask is that EVERYONE ask God everyday to help us overcome the systematic attack on the rights and freedoms that He bestowed on us with the help of The Founding Fathers laid out in our Constitution.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Is Happening To Our Country?

What Is Happening To Our Country?

I have been watching things since 9/11 and I do have to take exception with much of what I see on most cable news channels, read in the paper, read many places on the internet and hear from some of the people I talk to.

After 9/11 many of us were angry enough to enlist in the service (many did and I would have if I had been of an age and physically able to). People were worried about what happened, angry, stressed out and probably every other emotion you can imagine. People for the most part also had compassion for their fellow American and a sense of Patriotism I had not seen in years. I can only speak in terms of what I experienced in my lifetime which really starts with Vietnam, that is the one where I was at the age to be drafted, young people won't remember that but it was how they filled the military ranks in those days. Physically I should never have been considered for the draft but I suppose they had a quota, I did well on the written test and it looked like I was about to be drafted. I did get reclassified but I would have went had I been called because it was what we were supposed to do. There were many who didn't go when called (they were termed draft dodgers). Back in those days there were Hippie Communes, there were people who got out of it because they were in college, some may have had someone in the Government with some pull, I can think of one who was convicted after being caught and given another chance, years later was pardoned by President Carter, became a Governor then President. Still not sure how that even happened but that isn't the point here. We had radicals that were domestic terrorists, blowing things up and making life dangerous for those of us here but it was nothing compared to the dangers our men in uniform had to face. What I have always had trouble understanding is how the system here got so corrupt that a domestic terrorist (ie. Bill Ayers) could get out of trouble, become a college professor, sat on boards, dispense large sums of money to various organizations and apparently be a close friend with our current President Barrack Obama. While Bill Ayers seems to have everything going his way the men and women who did their duty in the military were demonized, spit on, called baby killers and to this day are treated like they did the wrong thing by going when they were called upon to serve their country yet others who ran away from their patriotic duty seem to be held in high regard. All I can say is NOT BY ME!

We had some good years and some bad years in this country, our President's did some good things and they also did some things I didn't agree with. I kept quiet about them and didn't rock the boat, you see like so many other people I didn't think I could make a difference, I had a family to take care of and didn't feel I had time to do anything else.

Then 9/11 happened! I started taking more of an interest in what was happening even though I still wasn't getting involved. I think many people were starting to wake up at that time. After 9/11 everyone in this country (at least those of us that were at least a little patriotic) were behind going after Bin Laden and the others responsible for 9/11. I'm still not sure what the reason for Iraq was. I feel that no matter what the reason for Iraq was, right or wrong, once you commit to it, Get it done and win. My personal complaint about Iraq was they seemed to be tying the hands of the military and did not allow them to do what needed to be done. Now I don't know for sure but my suspicion is that Congress put many of those restrictions on them and none of the people in Congress was in a position to make those decisions not even McCain, though I suspect he would have been more open to allowing the military to do their job and not put so many roadblocks in their way, I hope I'm not giving him too much credit. I truly believe that President Bush was doing all he could to keep this country safe. Politics is a dirty game and some of the players are more concerned with their image and what they can gain from the game financially to put the security of the country first. One thing I will say for President Bush is he honestly seemed more concerned about the country than he was about being liked by the media or Congress. I do know that President Bush and John McCain tried to do something about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac as far back as 2002. Guess who put up most of the opposition and didn't want any regulation on them? HINT: It wasn't a Republican. It was none other than Barney Frank. He said there was no problem, they were sound and doing great. Guess what people: Had Barney Frank not interfered most of the financial mess we are in may not have happened. CONCLUSION: I blame Barney Frank for the meltdown, not President Bush. I know I'll probably get hate mail for that statement but I stand by it and if you must my email is Ataxia For most of President Bush's two terms we were doing pretty well financially, it seems to me that when things started going downhill it was after the mid term elections when the democrats got control of The House and The Senate.

That brings us to the election. During the primary I have to say I caught myself getting swayed by Obama, then I started asking myself questions like, Did he say anything that made sense? The sound of what he said was good but was there any substance? Can these things actually be done? Did he ever explain how he intended to do those things? What I determined was, what he said sounded good but that was all there was to it. All fluff and no substance. Then Sarah Palin came on the scene. The more they attacked her the more attention I paid to what she said. The conclusion I came to was: She had the right values! She spoke to the people yet didn't just say what some poll said people wanted to hear! People could relate to the values she talked about and I would have been more comfortable electing her President because she had experience that Obama lacked. She had values that Obama lacked. I would have preferred her over McCain because he was too moderate and eager to make concessions with the Democrats that I simply was not comfortable with..

Since the election the economy has gotten worse, the steps they have taken I'm convinced will not help and will most likely make it worse. Despite all the money put into banks, auto companies etc. and yes the first bailout was under President Bush but since Obama has been in office he has increased the spending to the point where anyone with half a brain has to see it can't continue or the country may well not survive it. I'm afraid if that agenda is not stopped we may not be able to turn things around in time. We have a Congress and Senate controlled by some of the most Liberal Left-Wing Democrats I have ever seen in my life. It is imperative that changes in the mid term election in 2010 to save the country. In the meantime everyone needs to make their voice heard in the House and the Senate. We need to let all of them know there are a large enough number of people who ARE VOTERS unhappy with their job performance and the WILL be voted out in the next election unless they can change our minds with better representation. We need to let them know that their performance to date has convinced us to NOT vote for them and it will take work on their part to change our minds and we are not brain dead robots who will fall for pretty promises! They will have to show us with real results.

What I'm asking for is everyone who reads this and agrees to pass it along but don't stop at that. I feel a sense of urgency about this so please for OUR country call, email, fax, anyway you can think of to let them know in DC and don't stop. We need to make it so clear how we feel that they will be afraid to ignore us. Do it everyday, or every week or as often as you can and ask everyone else to do it too. Tie up their phone lines, crash their server with email, hang tea bags from the rear view mirror in your car, sign petitions, go to tea parties, talk to people, have a tee shirt made, in short use your imagination to communicate your frustration, anger and fear for your country.

I'll do everything I can and I ask you to do everything you can. We as citizens can no longer expect our Representatives to work on our behalf, we have to force them to do what they were elected to do FOR NOW!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party

I couldn't get out to any of the Tea Parties today but I was with them in spirit. I also sent some emails to some of the Representatives telling them I support the ideas behind the Tea Parties and I wasn't happy with what I was seeing from our Government, I would be watching and I would be vocal about my opinions. I intend to keep sending those messages to them (even the ones from other states). I would encourage everyone to send them your thoughts and I ask for responses here.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The 912 Project

I have been spending more time posting on "The 912 Project" lately than I have here. The reason being that I think it's important. As of today there are over 425,000 members all with the purpose of making the Politicians listen to The People and uphold The Constitution.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bob Basso

It seems that President Obama has called Bob Basso to the White House. Mr Basso is the guy who dressed up as Thomas Paine and put the video up on YouTube "" I suspect Obama is upset because the guy makes so much sense. Bet he tries to make him stop.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tea Party

There have been Tea Party's all over lately to protest the things going on in Washington. I got this link to a YouTube video that I thought was great
American Tea Party
Check it out


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

I can't believe the stunt they are trying to pull on Rush. I watched his interview with Hannity and heard what he actually said. It was not what the media is trying to portray. I truly believe it's an attempt to take the focus off the economic problems and put the focus on the Republicans. I say don't fall for it, keep your eye on what the Democrats are doing. Obama spent in about 5 weeks more than had been spent since the country was founded to when he was sworn in. I for one believe that the Government should spend the way the rest of us have to.
On another note, I watched Mike Huckabee over the weekend and he suggested term limits for Congress which I agree with. His statement was 8 years then they could go home and stand in the lines they created for the rest of us.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have been watching and what I've noticed is so far every time President Obama talks about the Stimulus or the BailOuts the stock market drops. That tells me that maybe it isn't a real good idea to be spending all this money.
The idea should be job creation and that is done by making it viable for companies to do business. Lower taxes would be a good start. As far as the Auto companies go: Limit the Union involvement unless and until they have as much invested and stand to lose or survive the same as the workers. That way they will work for the good of everyone.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

So called stimulus package

Seems that the people didn't have much say in the so called stimulus package. I only know first hand about my state. I called my Senators and Congressman for my district and the numbers were over 85% against it. I can only assume that was the result in most states.
I'm afraid of what the end result of that bill might be. For that reason I want to encourage everyone to keep after their Representatives, let them know how you want them to vote and hold them accountable. The problem with the Folks in Washington is they seem to lose interest in what the people want once they get elected and the only weapon we have is our vote so I say use it. It will take some time but I realize now that if we don't take a stand and vote for people who will do the will of the people we will keep getting sold down the river. I hope enough people are as tired of politics as usual as I am. We do hold their fate in our hands, it's time the people used it.


Saturday, January 24, 2009


I was watching The Huckabee show on Fox tonight and he was reading off the whitehouse website. The items he was reading concerned me so I went and read it. If you want to check it for yourself go to you have to read it carefully because the way it's worded it sounds good but the way I read it we will lose some of our rights. I prefer to keep what rights I have left.
I intend to email my representative and let them know my thoughts on anything that is coming up for a vote nand if they aren't voting the way the majority of the people direct them to I say don't vote for them when their term is up. Take for an example the Sec. Treasury, a tax problem should be enought to keep him from getting confirmed, there are other problems but the one should be enough.
