Sunday, October 19, 2008


I have been watching the Presidential race and while I never bothered with politics in the past I have definite opinions now.
First: I defended Obama during the primaries and gave him the benefit of the doubt but I can't do that anymore. The more I listen to him the less I trust him. I don't know much about him because he hasn't been around long enough and what does come out causes me to question him.
Bottom line: What they do find out about him is all bad and to this day he has not explained one thing in a way that is understandable. It's all "change", "the last eight years" etc., Not "I will do this with an understandable outline".


1 comment:

Taffney said...

Here's a question for you ?

How did the unknown Barack Obama get to be so popular so fast ? I question who has really backed him in this Political race . It seems to me it has to be a very large backer with alot of MONEY. hmmm just a thought 700 billion!