Tuesday, November 11, 2008

National Safety Concern

I've had concerns for a couple of years now but just this week I heard something on the news about a threat from Bin Laden that would make 911 look small. I never heard it again so I have no details. When I remember back to Joe Biden saying Obama would be tested within 6 months. I started thinking about it. First I think there are people that would try to do us harm given the chance, I also believe we have kept many of those people busy on their turf so they haven't been able to attack us here. Second if Defense funding is reduced as Barny Franks suggested we will not be in a position to respond the way we should. Add to that if we pull out of Iraq before the job is done the Extremists feel like they have won and get even bolder and more determined. Third, I have this nagging feeling that if some of the first two things happen some of our soldiers will not reinlist (I don't blame them) and there may be a big drop in enlistments in the armed services. Call me paranoid but I can see the draft being reinstated which I'm afraid will mean the quality of the soldiers won't be as good. I hope I'm wrong.


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